What to Do When Winter Roofing Issues Spill into Spring

Winter roofing
Shingles that are pulling up from the roof could allow water to enter your home.

Winter roof problems may not cause noticeable issues during the winter months, but you may notice leaks, loose shingles, or other problems come springtime when ice and snow melt to expose the shingles. Most asphalt shingle roofs begin to show wear after 10-15 years, with other types of roofs lasting up to 25 years before needing replacement.

Some warning signs of roof problems include the following:

  • Cracks in caulk
  • Rust spots on flashing
  • Curling, blistering, broken or missing shingles
  • Cracked rubber gaskets around vent pipes
  • Moss or lichen on the roof (black stains are not indicative of damage)
  • Damage on ceilings and walls inside (may be caused by something else but should be checked)

Any of these warning signs may signal a roof that is leaking and causing damage inside your home, even if you can’t see it yet. Once winter snows and ice melt, a visual inspection of your roof can detect problems that may mean it’s time to call a professional.

Heavy rain and gusty thunderstorms are a common part of mid- to late-spring weather that can cause damage quickly if a problem exists and remains unrepaired. It’s important to take care of minor problems right away before they turn into something major. Being proactive can save you thousands of dollars on repairs.

Winter roofing
The seal or flashing around vents and chimneys can become corroded or develop holes that need repair.

Roof Repair vs. Replacement

A few loose shingles or a worn-out gasket can be repaired easily and inexpensively. If the repair is more extensive, however, homeowners should consider the age of the roof before deciding how to proceed. A newer roof means that the repair will last a long time before any further problems come up, but with an older roof, you may end up doing multiple patch jobs in a short period of time. The cost of multiple small repairs may make it more worthwhile to just replace an entire older roof, especially when you consider the risk of damage to ceilings and walls if more leaks occur.

When deciding to replace a roof, homeowners now have many options other than asphalt shingles. Although asphalt is the least expensive roofing material, it is also the least energy efficient and durable. For homeowners that plan to stay in their homes for many years or want to increase the home’s value, a clay, metal, or solar roofing solution will last 25 years or more and will also make the home more energy efficient.

Currently, a new roof will give up to a 105% return on investment in increased home value, making it one of the most cost-effective renovations. New home buyers will value a new roof, knowing they won’t have to make repairs for many years.

Are you interested in replacing your roof? Moonworks provides a variety of roofing options to match the style and color of your home. Call 1-800-975-6666 to get a free estimate.

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