Tips to Keep Your Flower Beds Beautiful

Often, the most beautiful part of your outdoor landscaping can be the colorful thriving bed of flowers surrounding your home. But keeping the plants blooming and the beds looking their best takes a lot of time and effort. Some people seem to have it mastered with very little effort, but their secrets involve more than a green thumb.

There are a few tips you can follow that will cut your efforts in half and keep your flower beds looking well-tended and beautiful. The trick is to work smarter and eliminate the things that disrupt the plants and the healthy soil around them. You must eliminate your flower garden saboteurs.

Flower beds

Stop the things that sabotage your flower gardens and watch them thrive.

The Endless Cycle of Weeds

Have you ever planted something and given it the best of soil and care, but it still struggled to grow? But, your weeds have shown no problem at all surviving and thriving? You are not alone. Weeds are durable and persistent in their return to your flower beds unless you stifle what they need to survive.

According to, weeds rob the soil of nutrients and choke out the roots of your flowers and plants. Quick elimination is your best defense, so stop them before they have a chance to get a deep hold in your garden. There are a few steps to take to help prevent them from being so comfortable in your flower beds.

  • Make certain no parts of old weeds or sod are left in your soil. These can grow back.
  • Bark mulch preserves moisture in the soil and keeps weeds from growing easily. Lay down some black weed barrier cloth first, then add the mulch for additional protection in weed-prone areas.
  • Remove any weeds as soon as they appear, so they do not have time to produce seeds.

Plants That Work With You

Some plants are just easier to grow than others. According to, it is important to research your plants’ needs and limitations before you select them. This will save you a lot of time and effort trying to give your garden everything it needs and still falling short in meeting your plants’ demands.

  • Where you live matters, so learn about plants that are native to your area and ones that do well there, then only choose plants that will thrive in your region. Some perennials do not do well through the Northeast winters, for example. Some require dry conditions, so if you live in Florida, that type might not be a good fit for your yard. Only plant what will easily thrive in your climate.
  • Learn about the type of soil conditions your plants need. The pH factor of soil reflects its acidity level, which is important to consider because all plants require different levels for proper growth.
  • Be mindful about the level of sun and shade your plants are getting versus what they each may require. It is not a one size fits all situation. In some instances, if the level of light is altered, plants may experience a disruption to their health. For example, if you cut back a shrub or tree that is providing shade for a plant, the added hours or intensity of light may damage the plant.

Overflowing Gutters

Your gutters are a vital part of your home and its overall drainage system. It can be easy to forget to check them for clogs, but overflowing gutters can be very detrimental to your flowerbeds.

According to, clogged gutters will send the excess water down directly onto your flower beds, small trees or shrubs that surround the base of a home. This washes away the soil, exposes the roots of the plants, and can damage or kill them.

Older gutter systems require that you clean out your gutters at least twice per year, and they can be hard to clean. But, there are other, easier, solutions that will stop your overflowing gutter problem.

Flower beds
Without gutter guards, clogs and overflowing water can damage your flowerbeds.
  • Invest in gutter guards, which can stop virtually all clogging issues and help eliminate water damage to your flower beds (as well as damage to your home’s foundation). The guards easily attach to your gutter system, covering the exposed areas, and preventing debris from collecting and clogging up the gutter. Without the risk of clogs, you eliminate the risk of water overflowing onto your flowerbeds. They also offer a lifetime of protection for your home and stop you from having to climb up to your roof to do the cleaning task yourself.
  • If your gutters are old and damaged, it may be time to replace the system. This will save you larger, more costly issues in the future, protecting more than just your flowerbeds, but also your foundation, siding, and roof from water damage.

To learn more about how your gutters can protect your flower beds and your home, call 1-800-975-6666.

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